Fighting Diabetes with Periodontal Treatment in Bloomfield

March 4, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — familydental @ 7:09 pm

Contact our practice for periodontal treatment in Bloomfield. Did you know that diabetes in the United States is more deadly than AIDS and breast cancer combined? The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. has increased 382% from 1988 to 2014! Just imagine where the statistics are now? Did you know that diabetes doesn’t just affect your general health and blood sugar levels, it causes oral health complications, too. What does it have to do with your smile and what can you do to fix it? Either of our four caring dentists offers comprehensive preventive care and periodontal treatment in Bloomfield to help combat the negative effects diabetes has on your teeth and gums. Let’s take a look at the signs and symptoms of diabetes, how it’s affecting your oral health, and what the Family Dental Practice of Bloomfield can do to help.

The Red Flags of Diabetes

The warning signs of diabetes can be spotted throughout your whole body. To confirm, your general doctor usually takes a blood test to determine if your sugar levels are normal. Some general signs of diabetes are constant thirst or frequently having to use the restroom. Extreme fatigue is also another common symptom. If you leave diabetes untreated for too long it will start to affect your oral health as well. Here’s how:

  • Patients experience chronic dry mouth.
  • Patients tend to have more frequent cavities because of the lack of saliva in the mouth.
  • Patients oral lacerations and wounds heal noticeably slower than normal.
  • Patients become more susceptible to infections inside the mouth.
  • Patients become more at risk for gum disease.

Diabetics are High-Risk Dental Patients

Everyone is susceptible to gum disease if they don’t actively take care of their teeth or visit their dentist regularly. Diabetic patients, on the other hand, are more at risk for not only gum disease but it’s evil twin—periodontal disease. This chronic, inflammatory disease can destroy gums and the tissues holding your teeth in place. Diabetic patients experience periodontal problems because of poor blood sugar control. The disease causes sugar levels to rise, in turn making diabetes more difficult to control because diabetics are already susceptible to infections. Not to mention, your immune system is compromised making it harder to fight the bacteria invading the gums.

Your Diabetic Dental Plan

Regular dental visits are extremely important! It’s proven that treating gum disease in Bloomfield can improve blood sugar levels and decrease the progression of your disease. Working openly with your dentist in will help to keep your smile healthy and potentially help slow down your diabetes. Here are a few things you and your dentist can do to help your health conditions improve:

  • Control your blood sugar levels by consistently using your medications as directed.
  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Exercise more often.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol products.
  • If you have dental prosthetics, clean them daily.
  • Practice excellent at-home dental hygiene.
  • See your dentist for regular dental checkups.

If you’re unsure about your diabetic status, visit your general doctor for confirmation. Whether you are experiencing symptoms of diabetes or not, your dentist in Bloomfield is here to support you while we work together to get your general and dental health back on track. Contact our office to schedule an appointment today!