Can I Brush My Dentures While They Are in My Mouth?

March 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — familydental @ 4:47 pm
Senior person preparing to brush their dentures

Oral hygiene tasks should be a permanent part of your daily routine. That is true even if you have lost all of your natural teeth and use dentures instead. Your good habits can reduce your risk of oral infections and help to extend the lifespan of your prosthetic!

However, you might have some questions about oral hygiene with dentures. For example, can you brush them while they are still in your mouth? Or should you always remove them before you clean them? This blog post discusses some important information that you should keep in mind.

Brushing Your Dentures Without Removing Them: Pros and Cons

Brushing your dentures while they are in your mouth is not likely to harm them. You should be sure to use a soft brush and avoid the use of abrasive cleaning agents. Most toothpastes are too abrasive for dentures, so you might choose to simply brush them with water. This method can be used to quickly clean your prosthetic after meals.

However, brushing your dentures while they are in your mouth should not be the only method that you use to clean them. That is because failing to remove your dentures can prevent you from being able to clean all of their little nooks and crannies. Plus, you should not use soap or denture-cleaning agents in your mouth.

Without a proper cleaning routine, your dentures could easily accumulate bacteria and food particles. They may start to collect odors and stains. You would also be at a greatly heightened risk of gum sores and infections.

Thoroughly Cleaning Your Dentures

You should remove your dentures at least once daily in order to thoroughly clean them. Here are a few tips that will help them to stay fresh and functional:

  • Use a soft brush that is specifically designed to be used on dentures. In addition to brushing the teeth, be sure to brush your prosthetic’s base and underside.
  • Choose a gentle cleaning agent, such as mild soap or a product that is marketed for use with dentures.
  • Stand over a soft surface when you remove your dentures. This can reduce the risk that they will break if you accidentally drop them.
  • Soak your dentures overnight in water or a denture-cleansing solution. Not only can this keep them clean, but it is important that they stay moist so they do not lose their shape.
  • Clean your mouth while you are not wearing your denture.  You can wipe your gums with a soft cloth, brush any remaining natural teeth, and use an antibacterial mouth rinse.

Brushing your dentures without removing them is possible, but it is not particularly beneficial, especially if it is the only cleaning method you use. It is better to take your prosthetic out so your mouth can be as clean and healthy as possible.

Meet the Practice

Family Dental Practice of Bloomfield is home to a large, talented team of general dentists and specialists. We are proud to offer traditional dentures, denture maintenance services, and many other treatments. If you have questions about oral hygiene or tooth replacement, we would be happy to speak with you. Contact our friendly staff at 860-263-0441.